Dijibouti › Djibouti Market Study Assessment

We implemented a market study assessment for the Government of Djibouti, in collaboration with the World Bank and the Djiboutian Social Development Agency (ADDS), as part of the PROPEJA project to improve practical skills and provide training for young and moderately qualified women in poor communities. The project identified high-quality beadwork and basketry but noted a lack of market-oriented designs and a poor understanding of pricing among artisans. Despite these challenges, the artisans showed strong motivation to access larger markets.

Key Achievements:  

  • Completed a comprehensive assessment of the artisan sector titled “Proposal for the Advancements of Women Artisans in Djibouti.”

  • Identified two main value chains within the handicraft sector that would result in the greatest impact (basketry and beadwork).

  • Identified over 2,800 women artisans of which 1059 work with beadwork and 1596 work with basketry.

  • Presented findings to the Government and World Bank representatives

Donor: World Bank (Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social) 

Start Date: May 2017

End Date: July 2017


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